VIN Registration Lookup
Every vehicle operating on the roads of the US has a unique identification code assigned to it. The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the fingerprint of each car. It provides valuable information about it. In other words, the VIN and Registration Number hold all the details of the vehicle.
Read the article to find out how to check the VIN from the registration number.
Read the article to find out how to check the VIN from the registration number.
What is a VIN Number?
VIN is a 17-digit code of numbers and letters that prove the car’s identity. That is to say, each car receives a unique VIN from the manufacturer before it leaves the plant. Even if you can have multiple license plates for your car, the VIN is unchangeable and remains there forever.
Looking at the VIN, you should know that each character transfers specific information. For instance, the first three digits signify the WMI (World Manufacturer Identifier) and show the country of origin, manufacturer, and type of vehicle.
The next five digits are known as VDS (Vehicle Descriptor Section) and reveal the model, body layout, engine size, etc. The ninth character is the security code of the manufacturer. Finally, the last eight characters form the VIS (Vehicle Identifier Section). The latter is a serial number that identifies a certain vehicle.
Looking at the VIN, you should know that each character transfers specific information. For instance, the first three digits signify the WMI (World Manufacturer Identifier) and show the country of origin, manufacturer, and type of vehicle.
The next five digits are known as VDS (Vehicle Descriptor Section) and reveal the model, body layout, engine size, etc. The ninth character is the security code of the manufacturer. Finally, the last eight characters form the VIS (Vehicle Identifier Section). The latter is a serial number that identifies a certain vehicle.
Can I Check the VIN Number From the Registration Number?
When buying a pre-owned car, check the relevance between the VIN on the vehicle registration documents and the one printed on the vehicle’s frame. In addition, check if it is the same on any other plates on the car.
The absence of the VIN is also questionable. It may indicate that the car has been rewritten, modified, or taken off.
You may also find the VIN via VIN registration lookup. These online mechanisms include MOT status, history, mileage, tax status, vehicle description, and other details.
The absence of the VIN is also questionable. It may indicate that the car has been rewritten, modified, or taken off.
You may also find the VIN via VIN registration lookup. These online mechanisms include MOT status, history, mileage, tax status, vehicle description, and other details.
How Can I Check My Car Registration Online?
Each vehicle in the US must have valid vehicle registration to drive legally. To conduct a VIN registration lookup online, you should visit the official website of your state DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles).
Generally, the website will ask for your vehicle’s VIN and ownership details. Only after providing that data, will you gain access to the current registration status.
Generally, the website will ask for your vehicle’s VIN and ownership details. Only after providing that data, will you gain access to the current registration status.
Can I Get a Copy of My PA Vehicle Registration Online?
All the information referring to a copy of PA vehicle registration is available at PA's official website of PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services. However, we want to mention that a duplicate of the registration card is more convenient to receive at the time of online renewal.
What if My Registration is Suspended?
Suspended registration means that you will not be allowed to issue, transfer, replace or renew your license plate during that period. You can’t drive the vehicle, as driving with suspended registration will cause additional fines and penalties.
Figure out why it was Suspended and Provide Documentation to Restore it
Several reasons cause registration suspension. For example, lack of proper insurance coverage, license plate expiration, unpaid parking tickets, refusal to oblige any traffic or licensing laws, or failure to fulfill a safety equipment repair order may bring to suspension.
Write an appeal to your local DMW and find out the details of registration restoration. Typically, you will be required to provide valid auto insurance and pay the necessary fees to restore the registration.
Write an appeal to your local DMW and find out the details of registration restoration. Typically, you will be required to provide valid auto insurance and pay the necessary fees to restore the registration.
What is Included in the Vehicle Registration Card?
Each state has its style of registration card, however, most of them include the following information:
- Title number
- License plate number
- Registration expiring date
- Vehicle make and year
- Owner of vehicle and address
As we have already mentioned, each state has its vehicle registration, but most of them provide the same information.
Basic Vehicle and Owner Info
Find details such as the owner’s name and address, the vehicle make, and the year.
Provide Vehicle and Driver's License Details
In case of losing the registration card, you may apply for a replacement. You should have the following documents on you:
- Valid driver’s license
- The VIN
- License Plate Number
- Details of auto insurance
Find out the Fees for Replacement Documents
To determine the fees for replacement documents, you should consider factors, such as your vehicle’s type and declared value, date of purchase, the city you live in or your business is based in, the weight of the vehicle, the existence of special license plates, etc.
Request Replacements Online or by Phone for Convenience
One has an opportunity to request replacements online. Complete the online application form at your state’s DMV website, submit it with the necessary fees and be ready to print your duplicate registration card.
People also have the option of calling their local DMV for the replacement. However, before contacting them, have a credit or debit card for paying the fees and as much information on your vehicle, license plate, and registration in front of you as possible.
People also have the option of calling their local DMV for the replacement. However, before contacting them, have a credit or debit card for paying the fees and as much information on your vehicle, license plate, and registration in front of you as possible.
Make Your Request in Person to Get Replacement Documents Faster
By visiting your local DMV office in person, you can get your registration card right away. Some offices also allow people to book an appointment online instead of waiting in line.
Place Your Replacement Registration Card in Your Vehicle
Some states require having an original replacement card in your vehicle, so always have the card or at least its photocopy in your car.
Renewing Your Registration
Many states will send a renewal notice for your vehicle registration around 30 days before the actual expiry. You may also receive it by email.
Contact the DMV if You Don’t Get a Renewal Notification
If your registration expires in less than a month and you haven’t received a renewal notice, contact your local DMV office.
Gather the Information You Need to Renew Your Registration
Any needed documents are indicated on the renewal notice. However, always have the renewal notice, proof of ownership, and driver’s license on you.
Complete Any Required Vehicle Inspections
To renew the registration, pass vehicle inspection beforehand and prove that it is safe to operate.
Renew Your Registration Online if Possible
To renew the registration online, have the PIN included in the renewal notice. Make sure that you have more than 10 days to the actual expiry and get the new card by mail.
Visit Your Local DMV Office if You Can't Renew Online
The in-person renewal allows a person to get the new car immediately. However, the lines in local DMVs may be long.
Pay Your Registration Taxes and Fees
Check the total you owe in the renewal notice and pay road use and law enforcement taxes beforehand.
Contact the DMV if Your New Card Gets Delayed in the Mail
Generally, you should receive the new card by mail within 5-10 days. If you haven’t received it after 10 days, contact your local DMV office.
How to Check the Status of My Car Registration Renewal
There are online tools for registration lookup by VIN. Check if the DMV received your payment and processed your vehicle’s registration renewal. Just enter your vehicle’s license plate numbers, the last three digits of the VIN, and the vehicle registration zip code and wait for the results.
I Have Lost the Paperwork; How do I Know if I Need to Renew My Car?
Contact your local DMV office to replace your documents and learn about the exact days of the upcoming renewal.
How do I Replace Lost Vehicle Registration?
Visit the nearest DMV office or fill out the special online application form to replace lost vehicle registration. Be ready to provide a valid ID, driver’s license, license plate number, and payment.
Can DMV Tell Registration Status?
Yes, contact them, provide the necessary details, and reveal your registration status.